You can take your child at a younger age, but experts recommend taking him or her within 6 months of the first tooth coming in (erupting), or by about 12 months at the latest.

At this time, the dentist can give you information on:

-Baby bottle tooth decay
-Infant feeding practices
-Mouth cleaning
-Pacifier habita
-Finger-sucking habits

Prepare your child
If possible, schedule morning appointments so young children are alert and fresh.

Prepare a preschooler or older child for the visit by giving him or her a general idea of what to expect. Explain why it is important to go to the dentist. Build excitement and understanding.

Prepare yourself
Discuss your questions and concerns with the dentist. Remember that your feelings toward dental visits can be quite different from your child’s. Be honest with your view of the dentist.

If you have dental anxieties, be careful not to relate those fears or dislikes to your child. Parents need to give moral support by staying calm while in the dental exam room. Children can pick up parents’ anxieties and become anxious themselves.